Wednesday, February 3, 2021

My Professional Experiences Projects

| February 03, 2021 |
1. Japanese Tourist Survey, Tourism & Economic Creative Department, 1993 ; Survey Officer

2. CHIBA Prefuktur Red Cross – PMI Sumut Joint Program, 1993 ; Interpreter

3. Medan – Ichikawa Sister City, 1998 ; MNC Interpreter

4. PT. Castell Bery, Sergai, Sumut, 2005 ; Translator & Interpreter

5. PT. Capella Medan – Kubota. Co. Ltd, Japan, 2008 – 2011 ; Interpreter & Translator

6. PT. Sagami Indonesia/Sagami Ereku Corp.Ltd. – March 2011 : Intrepreter, Translator.

7. PT. Karet Deli Medan – Nakata Engineering. Co. Ltd, 2009 – 2012 ; Interpreter & Translator

8. Document translation,PT.Nitori Indonesia,Translator  2012.

9. PT. Karet Deli Medan – Nakata Engineering. Co. Ltd – Daiei Electric, Co. Ltd, 2009 – 2012 ; Interpreter – Translator

10. PT. Karet Deli Medan – Nakata Engineering, Co. Ltd – Japan – JTC Corporation Japan ; Interpreter – Translator

11. Document Translation,PT.Nitori  Indonesia,Translator,2012

12. PT. Bridgestone Indonesia Dolok Merangir Medan, 2009 – 2012 ; Translator

13.Personal Document Translation,2011,translator.

14. PT. Wahana Nusa Sentana Medan, 2009 – 2012 ; Translator

15. International Seminar at USU – Tohoku University, 2011 ; Interprete

16. Personal Translation Document,2012,Translator

17. Naturally – Plus Malaysia sdn.Bhd, Medan 2011 ; Interpreter

18. PT. Bina Pertiwi Medan (United Tractor Group) – Kubota. Co. Ltd, Japan, 2011 – 2012 ; Interpreter & Translator

19. Personal Translation Document,2013,Translator

20. PT. Wahana Graha Makmur – Nichirei Foods. inc, 2011 – 2012, Interpreter

21. PT. Unicharm Indonesia Medan, 2012 – 2012 ; Interpreter

22. Mitsui Chemi. Co. Ltd, 2012 – 2012 ; Interpreter

23. Document Translating related to Immigration,2013,Translator

24. Japan Education Exhibition, Medan, 2012 ; Interpreter

25. Fuji Keizai, Co. Ltd, Osaka Japan, 2012 (Marketing Research + Strategy Consultant) ; Interpreter

26. PT BINA PERTIWI MEDAN (UNITED TRACTOR GROUP, KUBOTA, Co., Ltd., Japan), September 2012, Interpreter and Translator

27. One Day Seminar : "Eksperimental Study for the Migitation of Earthquake Disaster of Ordinary Mansory Houses in Developing Countries", JICA, NIED JAPAN, MIE University, University of North Sumatera; December 2012, Interpreter.

28. PT. LESTARI ALAM SEGAR/FUJI MANUFACTURING, Co. Ltd.; January 2013, Interpreter and Translator.

29. PT. WAHANA NUSA SENTANA Medan (Shipping Company); February 2013.

30. Motivation Seminar at Politeknik Ganesha Medan, Small Presentation by Prof. Suzuki Iwayumi, Tohoku University. Prof. Hamzon Situmorang, M.S, Phd. November 30th 2013: Interpreter.

31. Small Presentation of Japanese Culture and Education, Jissho Foundation – November 30th 2013: Interpreter.

32. Document translation related to immigration document,2013,Translator

33. International Seminar on Fire and Flood Fighting, JICA Indonesia, Japan General Consulate in Medan, Medan City Government, Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD-RI) Sumatera Utara, Medan Fire and Disaster Volunteers Organisation, March 19th 2013; Interpreter.

34. PT.Mitsubishi Motors Indonesia, February 2013 : Translator, Tutor.

35. PT. Bina Pertiwi Medan (United Tractor Group) – Kubota. Co. Ltd, Japan, April 2013 ; Interpreter & Translator.

36. PT. Bridgestone Indonesia Dolok Merangir Medan, April 2013 ; Translator

37. Indonesian Research Institute, Yayoi Japan. Research Of Cacao Plantation in North Sumatera by Mr. Seo Yasuhiko, Ph.D (Chiba University) – Medan August 2013: Interpreter.

38. Japan Education Exhibition, Medan September 2013 ; Interpreter.Licence Academy, Japanese Consulate at Medan, Canon Enterprises.

39. HG Indonesia Jakarta Selatan, Hello G Co.LTD Tokyo, Hitachi Appliances Inc Tokyo, Hakuhodo INC Tokyo – November 2013 : Interpreter for Consultant Company.

40. PT. JAC Consulting Indonesia, Surabaya – November 2013 : Interpreter for Consultant Company.

41. International Seminar, Theme: Tsunami & Tradition in Asia Countries. Meulaboh District, Aceh Province – December 2013. Meulaboh District, Asji, Japanese Consulate, Aceh – Japan Forum: Interpreter - Translator.

42. PT. Nittoh Batam - Employee Recruitment Services - Interpreter.

43. JICA Project at Nias Gunung Sitoli - North Sumatera Province Indonesia - Interpreter.

44. 2013-2014 Short Term Training Program For Foreign Teacher of The Japanese-Language (Winter Course) at Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa Japan - January till March 2014.

45. Japanese school presentation in Medan and Binjai city bt Yokohama Design school,Yokohama Japan,May 20014

46. Medan City Sanitary Service, kyuushu University KEPA (Kyuushu Environment Preservation Agency) - Medan City Goverment July 2014.

47. Japan Tourism Exibition, Swiss Bell Hotel - Medan Indonesia. Oriental Land Co.Ltd Japan, The Jakarta Daily Shimbun : Interpreter - August 2014.

48. Seminar Workshop on the Asean Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership Program (AJEEP) for Scheme 2 (industry) in Indonesia Under the Some Meti Work Program 2014-2015. 12 December 2014 - JW Marriot Hotel Medan Indonesia.

49. Indonesia JICA Project, Nurse Enhancement Service Program - Japan Development Service Co, Ltd. Indonesia Ministry of Health, North Sumatera Nursing Faculty - February 2015, Interpreter.

50. Department of Fisheries and Marine of Indonesia, Translator - February 2015.

51. Japan Education Exhibition, Medan Maret 2015 ; Interpreter.Licence Academy, Japanese Consulate at Medan, Canon Enterprises.

52 Japan Tourism Exhibition, Heart to Heart Corporetion Japan. Hoshino Resorts Aryaduta Hotel March 2015 - Interpreter.

53. PT. Denso Sales Indonesia, Jakarta. Kilat Service Medan - Interpreter. February 2015

54. Japanese School presentation,Nagoya International foreign  at Medan High School,March 2015,Interpreter

55. PT. Bridgstone Rubber Estate, Work Shop. At Dolok Merangir, North Sumatra, May 2015, Interpreter.

56. PT. Bridgstone Rubber Estate,Earthquake disaster countermeasure protection seminar,Dolok Merangir, May 2015 Interpreter.

57. JICA Junior Expert,environment education program,june 2015.BLH north  sumatra profince.

58 Seminar of working In Japan by Proklamator foundation west sumatra,may 2015.

59. International Seminar by Japan Indonesia Network,presentation of Sendai ikue gakuen Japan ,june 2015

60. Plantation research by CVC,Co,lt /RAC, Japan,August 2015

61.Consumer Goods Company,"MUMU",Translator August 2015.

62.Care worker Recruitment Interview,Japan International Corporation of welfare services(JICWEL),Tokyo,Japan ,August 2015.

63.Shipping Document Translation of PT.Multi Jaya Samudra ,Translator ,August 2015.

64.PT.Inalum Asahan Alumunium,Takaoka Toko,co.Ltd Japan."Diskonnektor/isolator Installation Project",And PT.Citra  Krida Dynamika,August 2015,Interpreter and translator.

65. Biomass and Biofuel Project,PTPN.II.Medan,Synyo,Co.Ltd,Japan, Interpreter Sept.2015

66. Astellas Pharmatical Co,Ltd Japan,PT.Astellas Pharma Indonesia,Internal Management Meeting,Sept.2015,Interpreter.

67. Customer Visiting and Meeting,SANYU, Co,.LTD,Saitama Pref. Japan, With PT.Indah Glorymas Indonesia,Interpreter,Octtober 2015.

68. Japan Education Exhibition, Medan November 2015 ; Interpreter.Licence Academy, Japanese Consulate at Medan, Canon Enterprises.

69. Master of ceremony and Interpreter for welcoming ceremony of "Nihongo Partner" program,Japan Fondation Asia center,Nov.2th  2015

70. Management Work shop at PT.Bridgestone rubber estate Indonesia,Niagara Hotel Parapat,Nov.11-12, 2015 Interpereter

71. Environtment education Presentation,Mas plus Al-ulum,JICA Junior Expert,BLH tgk.nov.13th 2015,Interpreter

72.Japans Health and pension insurance documents translation,Translator nov. 2025,Translator

73.Japanese Language Education Persentation,Kokusai kotoba gakuin Japanese School,Shizuoka Japan,At Miftahussalan School.November 2015,Interpereter.

74. Japanese Language Education Persentation,Kokusai kotoba Gakuin japanese School,Shizuoka,Japan,At
SMK Multi Karya HighSchool,November.2015,Interpreter.

75. Japanese Education Seminar by Kokusai kotoba gakuin Japanese School,Shizuoka Japan,at STIE/STMIK IBBI University,November 2015.Interpreter.

76. Disconnector Installation Project(300Kv)at PT.Indonesia Asahan Aluminium,Takaoka Toko Co,Ltd Japan,Chiyoda Corporation Japan,PT.Citra Krida Dynamika,Medan.December 2015.Interpreter/Translator.

77. Field Research of Rubber Plantation,PT.Bridgestone Sumatera Rubber Estate,Bridgestone Co,Ltd Japan
December 2015,Interpreter.

78. Japanese Education Exhibition,PT.Fuji Staff Indonesia Jakarta,January 2016,Interterpreter.

79. Disconnector Installation Project(300Kv)at PT.Indonesia Asahan Aluminium,Takaoka Toko Co,Ltd Japan,Chiyoda Corporation Japan,PT.Citra Krida Dynamika,Medan.Januaru 2016.Interpreter/Translator.

80. Disconnector Installation Project(300Kv)at PT.Indonesia Asahan Aluminium,Takaoka Toko Co,Ltd Japan,Chiyoda Corporation Japan,PT.Citra Krida Dynamika,Medan.February 2016.Interpreter/Translator.

81.Japan Pension Service Documents,personal indentity ect,Translator.March 2016.

82.Marketing Research of Palm Kernel shell and Palm oil Plantation/Crude palm oil in North sumatera,
West Sumatera,and Riau Profince.Fuji Keizai,.Co.Ltd Osaka,Japan.Interpreter and Translator,March to
April 2016.

83. Japan pension service Documents ,personal inindentity ect.Translator,May 2016.

84. Watertube Boiler preparation and confirmation for comissioning,World Netsugaku Yuugen kaisha,Hiroshima Japan and PT.Atmindo BoilerProfessioanl Medan,Indonesia,Interpreter dan Translator.May 2016

85. North sumatera.  Indonesian Immigration Office,Iterpreter and Translator. August 2016

86. Careworker Recruitment Interview,Japan International Corporation of welfare services(JICWEL) ,Tokyo,Japan   , BMP2TKI indonesian labour Department  ,August 2016.Iterpreter

87. North Sumatera Indonesian Immigration Office Interpeter and Translator,August 2016

88. Indonesian Industrial Department/Kantor Kementrian Industri, kawasan ekonomi khusus sei mangke, Sumut  Indonesia, August 2016,Translator

89. Japan Tourism Exhibitio/Visit Japan Travel Trade meet Organized by PT.Promo Tec Indonesia ,Jakarta "Japan National Tourism Association" (JNTO) Aryaduta Hotel September 2016 - Interpreter.

90. Watertube Boiler preparation and confirmation for comissioning,World Netsugaku Yuugen kaisha,Hiroshima Japan and PT.Atmindo BoilerProfessioanl Medan,Indonesia,Interpreter dan Translator.Sept. 2016

91. North Sumatera Indonesian Immigration Office Interpeter and Translator,September 2016

92. Master of ceremony and Interpreter for welcoming ceremony of "Nihongo Partner" program,Japan Fondation Asia center,Okt 15th  2016

93.Japan Education Exhibition, Medan October 2016 ; PT,Licence  Academy Indonesia, Japanese Consulate at Medan, Interpreter.

94. A criminal case Trial(A buse of a residence permit)at Deli serdang,Lubuk Pakam Distric.As formal Interpreter and Translator for Indonesian Immigration office.Sept.2016.

95.As  an Interpreter and Translator for Lubuk Pakam City's Distric Attorney(The prosecutor's office)

96..A criminal case Trial(A buse of a residence permit)at Deli serdang,Lubuk Pakam Distric.As formal Interpreter and Translator for Indonesian Immigration office.Nov..2016.

97.Japanese Personal documents Translator (婚姻届け、婚姻承諾書、受理承諾書等)

98.メダン領事Mr.Daiki YokoyamaはMAS Plus Al Ulum学校の訪問の際、通訳業務が 支援 致しました。December 2016.

99.12月に PT.INDONESIA ASAHAN ALUMINIUMの精錬工場の断路器の取替え準備が終了 致しました。2月為のプロジェクトは忙しくなります、また 宜しく お願い 致します。(メダン日本語通訳クラブの翻訳と通訳業務)。Visual inspection had already done at PT,Inalum in preparation for february project.Thank you .Dec.2016

100.  2017年22日にメダンの日本語教育フェアが行い、メダン日本語通訳クラブ と 日本語ボランティアクラブ は 協力 致しました.皆様 お疲れ様 でした。PT.FUJI STAFF INDONESIA に ”誠に 有難う 御座います”、また 宜しく お願い 致します.PT.Fuji Staff Indonesia held a japan Education fair in Medan.We assisted of interpreting work.

101. 2月9日 10日、PT.Bridgestone sumatera rubber indonesia(日本企業)に 改善マナジェメント会議が行うわれた。取締役 と 生産部分の班長 と 皆様 は 参加 していた。翻訳と通約業務が 成功 して,
 "Kaizen Meeting so called "Improvement Meeting" was held by PT.Bridgestone Sumatera Rubber Estate,Dolok Merangir North Sumatera,It was regular meeting for Production section to reach the target of Continuous Improvement of Production section.We assisted also this meeting.

102.インドネシア不動産屋株式会社 (Indonesia property  company)
販売チラシ 又は Flyerの翻訳 が 終了 でした。インドネシア一戸建ての販売 は 外国の外国人の為 広告 だ。
we got order to translate some flyer of Indonesian's Property advertisement for International Market (Japan).Feb.2016

103. 2月20日21日、PT.Bridgestone sumatera rubber indonesia(日本企業)に 各部分のファポーマンス ミーティング 又は会議が行うわれた。前日の改善会議の関連にして、取締役 と 各部分の部長 と 班長 は 参加 して きた。翻訳と通約業務が 成功 して、良かった.

In February 20th,2017 Medan Japanese translator Club conducted a General Performance Meeting was held of PT.Bridgestone Sumatera Rubber Estate.It was attended by President Director and all of Manager of each section.

104. 2月17日ー19日にインドネシア内務省、水’機工業株式貴社、JICA、環境未来都市富山の際で北スマトラ州のバリゲ県の市長と官僚がEco town、効果的エネルギ利用、水力発電所プロジェクトのPresenTation が行って いた。
 Medan Japanese Translator Club ,JICA Project,Future City "TOYAMA" and Ministry of Home affairs Republic Indonesia had 3 days schedule in Balige/Tobasamosir Distric and Nort Tarutung Distric for socialized Renew able Energy ,Eco Town and introduced micro Hydro Power plant Project.We hospitalized by local goberment.It conducted many meeting,presentation and field visiting.

105. Early of March this year,we assisted PT.Citra Dynamika and Takaokatoko,.Co,ltd to replacement of renewal Disconnector projek at PT,.Indonesia asahan aluminium.It spend almost a week. 

106. Medan Japanese Translator club was coducted work of preventive maintenance management,Break down maintenance management and corrective maintenence managemenet of PT.Bridgestone sumatra rubber estate, Bridgestone Co,Ltd  Japan, March 2017.

3週間に立って、日本方式の事後保全、予防保全、改良保全のマナジェメントが Bridgeston のスタッフ に 育成が 完了 致しました。
通訳翻訳の業務が出世 して 良かった です。

107. The Japanese Education seminar And working to Japan which held By Asji cooperated with Bunkasai USU 2017 hinode /aotake was succes,Tokyo internasional university,Jissho foundation as a speaker.

108. 本日,4月27日北’スマトラ大学文学部日本語学科、Aotake-Hinode 学生協会,メダン在総領事館開催して、第九回日本文化祭 が 行うわれた。
The opening ceremony of Japan culture Festival held at North sumatera university.It was nice get a picture together with Mr.Aoki Takashi,Deputy Consulate General of Japan,Dean of Faculty of lecture and north sumatera govermment's officer and Prof.Hamzon situmorang,Ms.P,hd

109. 4月19日ー20日インドネシアのメダン市に有るAryadutaホテル と Uniland Building で PT.New Energy Development Dumai、New energy development,Japan と Asian Agri Palm oil plantation and manufacturing’s ミーティング ビジネス が 行って、話の結果 良かった です。
We held an important meeting business (palm kernel shell)with valuable customer Asian Agri Group (Ned, Japan and PT.NEDD Dumai) at Uniland building and Arya duta Hotel.It was a pleased to assisted the meeting.

110. 4月18日 PT.Indonesia Asahan Alumunium の精錬工場 に 断路器取替え作業が完了、Final Meeting が 行われた。It was conducted by TAKAOKA TOKO,Ltd Japan and PT.Citra Karya Dinamika. The replacement of Disconnector at PT.Indonesia Asahan aluminium,kuala tanjung.

111. 4月6日ー17日まで インドネシアの北スマトラ州に有るPARITOHAN PT.Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero)に Hitachi's 100 Ton,Auxilary 30,10 Ton of Overhead Traveling Crane Inspection at Tangga Power station.ホイストークライン 装置作業点検が完了した。御審査の上、御承認下さる様お願い 致します。It was conducted by 株式会社 日立プラアアント メカニクス、PT.Citra Krida Dinamika

112. Early of March this year,we assisted PT.Citra Dynamika and Takaokatoko,.Co,ltd to replacement of renewal Disconnector project at PT,.Indonesia asahan aluminium.

113. In june 14th until 21st 2017 we had conducted translation and Interpreting works at PT.Bridgestone Sumatera Rubber Indonesia (Inspection and made improvement of Quality and Equipment Assurance). 品質保証、設備保障 管理マナジェメントの調査、改善の実施の為の

114. I have conducted interpreting/Translating works of Japanese Automobile Sales Marketing research in North Sumatera (Medan) with Mitsubishi Research Institute,Inc,Tokyo Japan,August 2017,
完了 して、良かった。(Mitsibishi Research Institute,Inc)三菱メーカー、ダイハツ メーカー。

115. I had conducted intrepreting work in Business Meeting, Hokuzai Shoji,Co.Ltd Osaka Japan with some Woodworking Company in Medan (一層棒、二層棒、多層棒の木材に関する商品の商談、通訳業務) Medan-north Sumatera November 2017

116. Monday 26th 2018,Organized by Medan Japanese Translator club,we had visited ERIA High School at Medan to introducing our Scholl to all Students .It was pleased welcomed by The Principal.Thank you for the hospitality.

117. Medan Japanese Translator Club Had conducted Interpreter Works for Eco Support,Co.Ltd, Osaka ,Japan with Mr.Taizo Yamamoto and Kobe Marine Cooperation, Prof.Kiyozo Okada from Kobe.We had visited Palm Oil Research institute (PPKS Rispa) and 第二次国有国園会社 PTPN 2 and discussed about a future energy issues.Thank you for cooperation.

118. Director of Astmil Co.Ltd, Mr.Yukihiko Takeda had visited three major university in Medan(USU University,STIBA Harapan,POLTEKPAR) to promote and looking for a candidates of Summer Job program.They will send students university for three moths summer job at Japan tourism resort all over in Japan.

119. Prof.Shine Toshihiko from Shizuoka University had presented "Asia Bridge Program" as scholarship program for high school student in Medan.The Scholarship have free University fee program,ect.It would be pleasure for us (Medan Japanese Interpreter/Translator) could assisted this project in Medan. We hope in the future,there is suitable candidates could be recruit from Senior High School from Medan.

120. Medan Japanese Interpreter/Translator club had had conducted interpreter job of Japanese Education Fair which held at Santyka Dyandra Hotel in Medan.Thank you for all member's participation . We hope this efforts would be develop Japanese language in Medan.

121. Medan, Sunday 25th ,Organized by PT.Fuji Staff Indonesia,You study Japan,Jassho and assisted by Medan Japanese Translator Club and all the Member. We had success to held Japanese Education Fair. On behalf of the Chairman of Japanese translator CLub(日本語通訳クラブ)i would like to thanked and appreciated to all participants,committee and specially my member's of 日本語通訳クラブ.And also participated by "Nihongo Borantia Club"See you again on the next event.

122. We have finished and trained the PT.Inalum employees of Governor System' of Turbin at Tangga Power Plant. Paritohan With Mitsubishi-Hitachi Power System (三菱ー日立パワーシステム株式会社ーPT.Citra Karsa Yasa Medan。

123. We are close to make MoU for the joint cooperation among PTPN ll ,Eco Support ,Japan and IOPRI north Sumatera,ETI Malaysia for research projects of Palm Oil Industri in North sumatera,Indonesia.

124. Medan Japanese translator club assisted some company in Medan to translate The Japanese Healthy Product (Felicite) articles.It was very good product to consume for our health.Hope we could more active to participate to promote this product to Indonesia's market especially in Medan.And will be assist for the articles translation in the future.Thank you.

125. Medan Japanese Translator Club assisted the interpreting Works of Disassembling and assembling of CC,CCPD (電力腺搬送用結合装置)with NISSHIN.Co.Ltd (日進株式会社)、Gunmmaken,Tokyo. and PT.Citra Jatindo Prima at PARITOHAN SWITCH YARD ,PT.indonesia Asahan Alumunium ,Nort SUmatera Indonesia,thank you for the cooperation,see you till the next Project.

126. April 23th till 27th,We had finished to trained and educated The Bridgestone employees for the New Management system of Basic Data.It will be applicate in this month and will be evaluate on June 2018.This time "Medan Japanese translator club" collaborated with one interpreter from Jakarta.Thank you for the cooperation.

127. It was pleasured for being formal Interpreter of Japan delegation on International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC)on Santika Dyandra hotel Medan,July 17 to 18 2018.Congratulation and success.

128. August 29th Medan Japanese Translator club' conducted interpreting work of JICWELL's recruirment under the EPA program at Santika Hotel, Congratulation and success.

129. Medan Japanese Translator have conducted the Interpreting service of Japan Tourism Meeting among Travel Agent Company,Land Operator,Tourist Destinatoin at Arya Duta Hotel Medan OCT 18th 2018. Thank you

130. November 12st 2018 - Eco support,Co,.Ltd Kobe Japan as a sponsored and collaboration with PT. Awina Sinergi Internasional Jakarta,IOPRI north Sumatera Medan held a seminar, "Sustainable system' in oil palm farm" at BPPT Building Jakarta.

131. November 9th 2018 - Mr.Taizo Yamamoto, Mr.Fukada, Mr.Tsunetaka Yasukagawa form ECO Support Kobe Japan visited Indonesian's Palm Oil research (IOPRI) to meet Director of IOPRI at the same time, we also meet PTPN 2 general manager to discuss about National Seminar preparation issue.

132. From the end of November till the early of December 2018,we had trained and educated some employee for the purpose of to measure the power skill of employee by using new evaluation sheet and corfirm how to apply at the gemba and finnaly had make standarization for the company. Thank you for the cooperation, Medan Japanese Translator club' always at your service.

133. It was a pleasured to attend the party of "His Majesty Emperor of Japan 85th Birthday" held by Medan Japanese Consulate. May Good bless for Akihito's Emperor healthy and wealthy.Thank you for the invitation.

134. We had visited some places, Minister of agriculture, BPPT and discussed with very important person in Kemenko Maritim at Borobudur hotel and had a dinner also for preparing to held international seminar at January 14 th 2019, Hope everything Will going well.

135. The end of 2018 on December. We had completed our projects of repairing and commissioning the Cooling Tube of Turbin Generator at Sigura-gura Power plant. It was conducted by Toshiba,, Kanazawa steal working company Japan, PT.Chikara Karya at PT.Inalum Paritohan North sumatera.

136. The end of 2018 on December. We had completed our projects of repairing and commissioning the Cooling Tube of Turbin Generator at Sigura-gura Power plant. It was conducted by Toshiba,, Kanazawa steal working company Japan, PT.Chikara Karya at PT.Inalum Paritohan North sumatera.

137. Januari 11st 2019 ECO Support Co,.Ltd Kobe,Japan and Me (Medan Japanese Translator club) had visited BPPT Serpong, Center of Assessment and Energi of Technologi to discuss the Internasional Seminar held on Januari 14th at BPPT Building, Thamrin and discuss about the future issue. Hoppely Will be running well.

138. After make preparation almost a week,finally we could invited almost 100 participants and this is the second time Seminar at BPPT Building ini Jakarta which Held by ECO Support, Kobe Japan, BPPT Indonesia. It was attend almost by government Department, After this event we would make the Observation Tour to Japan in April and make the 3th Internasional Seminar there.

139. It was pleasure to attend the Aceh - Japan community Projects 2018 at Banda Aceh Tsunami Museum. Watching and participate many kind of activity.

140. Medan Japanese Translator club and ECO Support Co,.Ltd Kobe Japan (president Director) have a meeting with JETRO, Jakarta yesterday and discuss the new energi resource from Palm oil basis. We hope ,everything Will be going well.

141. Having a dinner and business meeting with ECO Support Co.Ltd Kobe Japan, President Director of Sumitomo Heavy Industries at Kaihomaru Japanese Cuisine City Wak Sudirman building Jakarta.

142. It was pleasured that Medan Japanese Translator club, could assisted the communication between Company and The Labour Union, Finally they have agreement. Thank you - Medan Japanese Translator Club always "at your services"

143. Medan Japanese Translator Club have been assisting Eco Support Co,Ltd ,Kobe Japan.which concerning for Energy Consulting for South Asia country,including Indonesia.We had travelling and doing Energy resources survey of many places in Indonesia.Visiting some places in Java and Sumatera island.
This is might be the last survey for the first step of project development While waiting to implement of MOU betwen our Eco Support,Co.Ltd with Indonesian side Everything was going on the track. Alhamdulillah.

144. Medan Japanese Translator Club was actively Supported RC.Solution ,Co.Ltd Tokyo Japan and A Beam Consulting Co,Ltd Tokyo and Supported by JICA for Survey Activity.
RC.Solution co,Ltd had visited some places, north Sumatera BMKG,BPBD,Tourist Department Agency,PT.Angksa Pura II ,private Television company,PT.Railink and some public places.
They Offer the Disaster early warning Prevention with Application which created,designed by RC.Solution.We met most all of Chief officer of each Department.

145. it was a great honor for Medan Japanese translator Club to be invited to sign and congratulate the coronation and appointment of the new Japanese emperor,Crown Prince of Japan to be The new Emperor of Japan, at Medan Japan Consulate general In Medan.Thank you for the Invitation.
Japan is now entering a new era(令和).万歳。Congratulation.

146. After making several visits to several government agencies (Maritime Coordinating Ministry ,Ministry of new and renewable energy ,IOPRI Indonesia,PTPN 5, BPPT,GAPKI and providing and Collection some information relating to new energy sources Research based on Palm Oil.
Finally there was an agreement between several government agencies and private institutions with Eco support ,Co,.Ltd ,Kobe ,Japan to conduct long-term cooperation.
Last week,Finally we ,ECO Support,Co,.Ltd , PTPN 5 and BPPT as Three party "MoU". had signed the Cooperation to Implement the certain 1 or 2 years Research in Plantation side.

147. Within the framework of technical assistance cooperation between Japan and Indonesia through JICA,Toyohashi City and Toyohashi City Water Bureau Co,.Ltd.The Mayor of Toyohashi city had visiting Solok city,West Sumatera to meet the Mayor.
The MoU has been signed between Toyohashi and Solok City Goverment to implement technical assistance project for water purification quality and quantity at PDAM (Water Bureau) of Solok.And the cooperation will continue to the second stage ,not only water purification but also waste management and agricultural development.
We hope we could all work well together in the next 3 years. Thank you.

148. The next day, in the framework of the second stage of cooperation of technical assistance cooperation between Japan and Indonesia through JICA,Toyohashi City and Toyohashi City Water Bureau Co,.Ltd.
The MoU has been signed between Toyohashi and Padang City Government at Padang City Hall to implement technical assistance project for water purification quality and quantity at PDAM (Water Bureau) of Padang.This cooperation will be developing to another various fields,such Agricultural,Education, for the next 3 years.Hope Everything will going well.

149. In the early of september 2019 ,Medan Japanese translator club had been assisted by conducted the survey under The JICA project of Disaster Early Warning system by Develop Application which Install on The Smart Phone.Digital signed by RC.Solution Co,.Ltd and A Beam Consulting,Co,Ltd Tokyo ,Japan. We had visited some Stakeholder in North Sumatera Province ,such as,Governor office,kemenkominfo ,Tourist Department,Bappeda Sumut and Agriculture Department,Education Department (Vocational School).The second stage of this survey which contributed many information for Project Implementation.Thank you.

150. Medan Japanese Translator Club had entrusted to Translate a Flyer and Advertisement of Video Dubbing by using Japanese of Medium Business entrepreneur (UKM) in North Sumatera that are fostered by Bank Indonesia,Medan North Sumatera .This Video might be using to promote those product in Japan Market. We had used a female voice actor of Video Dubbing (Ms.Dian Anggraini. and Male voice for other Video.The Product is" Kain songket Deli,Ulos Simalungun and Simalungun Coffee".Thank you for the cooperation.Good luck.

151. In the middle of September 2019,Medan Japanese translator Club collaborated and assisted The Government delegation of TOYAMA CITY(富山市 農村部 農政企画部) Japan in purpose promoting green agriculture,environment and building a zero carbon society. and also also supporting the the Waste water treatment ,pure water supply by Water bureau up grading system.
We had visited The Mayor of Banda Aceh at Banda Aceh City Hall.The first stage of our visiting to follow up the cooperation project betwen Indonesia,Banda Aceh and -Toyama city,Japan..
Hopely,the 2nd stage of this project in november will get more concrete discussion, Observation and Technical assistance implement.

152. On a special occasion,Me and TOYAMA CITY Goverment Delegation's peoples were invited on dinner at SOHO Japanese Cuisine,Capital building ,Medan.We met Tebing Tinggi's Mayor and discussed our Cooperation project.Thank you for the invitation.

153. Thank you very much of entrusted being Japanese Master of Ceremony by Japan Foundation,Jakarta on Welcoming Party of Nihongo Partners Program in North Sumatera,Medan.Good luck.
2019年10月11日 、日本語パートナーズ着任式 が 国際交流基金の主催で 終了が 行い、すべてが幸せで熱意に満ちている。皆 頑張って 下さい

154. The third step of our project was visited stake holder such as "Lake Toba tourism Authority" met the finance director. Visiting Tourism Department of North Sumatera And The General Manager of Chambridge Hotel,Mall and Apartment we discussed of our trial project and the continuation of the project in the future with collaboration with those institution and department.

155. I fell happy and honored being invited for West Sumatera Investment Promotion dialogue at Aston Hotel at previous day by government of West Sumatera (governor and vice or deputy governor) as in a series of West Sumatra expo activities at Lapangan Merdeka, Medan Success and thank you.

156. Many friends of me asked what i am doing recently, Actually we are busy to introducing the application of "Disaster Early Warning System"by RC.Solution,Co,.Ltd JAPAN Collaborated with North Sumatera BMKG (北スマトラ州の気象庁),which could installed in our Smart Phone, Digital Signed, Video tron and Website of the Company.
It would make feel easy, save to people if they know the Information disaster earlier and could save and minimize the victims of disaster.

157. Before start working, i tasted special coffee received from special person (Rektor of University of BandaAceh-Unsyiah), Fell easy and comfortable.

158. Today,one of our Medan Nihongo Home Japanese Course's student (M.Yogi Muhammad Rizky) departure to Japan via Malaysia.He will enter "Usec Japanese International School at Nagoya,Japan.Take care your self, study hard and catch you dream.頑張って ね。

159. On the occasion of a visit to Banda Aceh last time,TOYAMA CITY,Japan delegation visited and was received by the Rector of the University of Syiah Kuala (UNSIYAH) BAnda Aceh.And the mayor of Banda Aceh city. We discussed the future cooperation between Toyama City and Unshiyah University ,especially of education issues.Hope on middle of this month we will start and implement the project.Thank you.

160. The next day, in the framework of the second stage of cooperation of technical assistance cooperation between Japan and Indonesia through JICA,Toyohashi City and Toyohashi City Water Bureau Co,.Ltd.
The MoU has been signed between Toyohashi and Padang City Government at Padang City Hall to implement technical assistance project for water purification quality and quantity at PDAM (Water Bureau) of Padang.This cooperation will be developing to another various fields,suchAgricultural,Education, for the next 3 years.Hope Everything will going well.

161. We had completed and finished our Survey of the demand, Selling Data and Marketing situation of free Paid SIM Card ,Post paid Sim Card of Private Telcom Company (Provider) such as Telkomsel,XL,Axis,IM3.Three .This survey conducted by KDDI Corporation, in Tokyo, Japan.We collected the data from the local shop sales of Medan City,Tg.Morawa dan Lubuk Pakam city.The next survey would be Kalimantan.Thank you.
KDDI ,au通信会社は メダン市内、近郊、タンジュン モラワ市、ルブックパカム市で インドネシア フリー ペイド、ポスト ペイド シムカード(Telkomsel,XL,Axis,IM3,Three,その他)の市場調査 と 売り上げ状況 が 検討しました。また次は カリマンタン島 に 調査に行く予定 です。有難う 御座います.

162. We congratulate of event "The Invitation of Research Collaboration on Sustainable Energy Development Based on Palm Waste Between UMSU University and JAPAN, May 16-17th 2022. 
The Honorable distinguised  Prof. Takaomi KOBAYASHI from Nagaoka Technology University and Rektor of UMSU University Prof..Agussani, M. Ap give a speech of Opening Ceremony. 
Attended by the Representative of Indonesian Embassy of Tokyo Japan, Director of Japan Halal Certification(JHCPO), Vice Rektor Of UMSU, Prof. 
Rudiyanto,  other CeO of Japan's Company, Good luck and success for UMSU University. 

163. The working team of the twin city cooperation plan had Visited Serdang Bedagai Distric to meet The Mayor of City. We will proceed to make cooperation betwen Serdang Bedagai with one of the city in Japan (Our planning is Ibaraki Prefekture). 
the Mayor welcomes and accepts us and hopes that the cooperative relationship can be realized soon.

164. Dean Faculty of Agriculture,Dean Faculty of Economic and Dean  
Faculty of  Lecture and Head of Relationship departemen  of Universitas Muslim Nusantara or Muslim Nusantara University so called UMN Medan  had Visited Medan Japan Consulate.  
We have meet Vice Consul and disscussed several issues and have a plan to make relationship in the future. 

165. Serdang Bedagai District had honorary visit from Medan Japan General Consul of Japan Consulate Medan yesterday. Mayor of Serdang Bedagai had discussed several issues for the future cooperation with General Consul. On the other hand, the twin city or sister city cooperation work team would continue to realize the goals.

166. In an event introducing the world of Diplomats to Islamics Boarding school students and institution, we hava a special and 
Extraordinary guest "The Director General for Information and Public Diplomacy" And " The Ambassador/Advisor of Minester of Foreign Affairs on Inter- Institutional Relation of MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA and the Delegation.  
Thank you for the Public lecture and success.

167. 安倍元総理は素晴らしいリーダーでした、この度は誠にご愁傷様でした。「盛ん」 日本語教育機関の代表 して、心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。つつしんで ご冥福をお祈り致します 
Former Prime Minester Mr. Shinzo Abe was a great leader. I am sorry for your loss。On behalf [SAKANG] Japanese Language 
Institute,Please accept our sincerest condolence, We sincerely hope that he has great happiness in the next life. With Medan Japan Consul and Madame at Japan Consulate at Medan City ,North Sumatera,Indonesia Japans Consulate. 

168. UMN University (Muslim University of Nusantara) Department of Literature held a successful public lecture. Vice-Consul Mr. Kubo Ryutaro as key note Speaker and UMN University vice Rector was attended and openend the ocassion . This semester the elective Japanese language will formaly launched. 
UMN 大学(ヌサンタラ・ムスリム大学の文学学科は 公開講座 が成功に開催した。副領事館が出席し、 UMN 大学副学長が開校致しました。今学期から文字学部が日本語の選択科目を開始します。 

169. It was honour  being warm hospitalized by Jakarta Japanese scholl last day for our comparative study Tour in Jakarta. It was a great institution and had very good education system. Thank you very much to Scholl principal. Arigatou gozaimasu. 

170. It was honour  being warm hospitalized by Surabaya Japanese scholl last day for our comparative study Tour in Surabaya It was a great institution and had very good education system. Thank you very much to Scholl principal. Arigatou gozaimasu. 

171. We had finished the meeting with Yamaha Motor Indonesia, Mfg from Japan which discussed  the "unit selling situation", " The current market target and situation", competitors market share, ect. 

172. We are very pleased to visited Nakamura School and met all the teacher and the students. We could study many things related to how to combined Japan curriculum  with Indonesian K13 curriculum.  It was good and  nice school. Thank you for perfect  hospitallity. We are very appreciated

173. Indonesia Japan Research Association so called ASJI in Medan was held “The Public Lecturer “At UMSU University Medan By invited Mr. Nishimura Masahiro as a speaker. Thank you very much for hospitalized by Rector of UMSU University. 

174. Nusantara Moslem University also called UMN University in Medan collaborates with Indonesia Japan Research Association (ASJI) Medan was held "The Public Lecture" Last day by invited Mr. Nishimura Masahiro from Tokyo, Japan. It was pleasure being warm and good hospitality by Recor 
, Vice Rector and Dean of UMN university. Hopely UMN will success in the future. Thank you very much.  

175. We have translated the Flyer Advertisement of GreenWood Property (Housing and Apartment) for Japanese Market or Japanese  People in Java Island or Jabodetabek Area. 

176. We have successful to assisted the Interpreting job at PT.Indofood Sukses Makmur,Tbk,Tg-Morawa Medan on Electrical – Engineering Inspection of Noodle Making Machine By Fuji,Co,Ltd, Mfg, Gunma Prefekture,TTC Foods,Co,Ltd,Tokyo,Asahi Kinzoku,Co,Ltd,Kyoto 
(Dispensing Machine),Tokiwa Kogyou,Co,Ltd, (Automatic Wrapping System Machinery),Osaka,Japan ,Feb. 2023

177. It was honour to be invited of  His Majesty of Japan's Emperor Birthday Party  at Grand City Hall Hotel Medan. In this occasion also attended by Vice governor of North Sumatera profince. 
Thank you to Medan Japan's consulate for the invitation. "Long live the Emperor" 万歳

178.  Medan Japanese Translator club had success to support the Inspection, adjustment and learning new knowledge of operational Noodles Making Machine  by Fuji Mfg,Co,Ltd ,Gunma Prefektur,Japan at PT. Indofood sukses Makmur Tbk, in the middle of march. 
We have a lot of learning and how to best Maintain and operating the machine well. Thank you.

179. It is very happy to be able to help with the meeting process regarding with the new Yamaha project in Indonesia. Held at PT. Yamaha Motor Indoensia Medan and attended by representatives of  Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd, Shingai, Iwata, Shizuoka Japan. I hope all goes well and goes according to plan.
180. In order to continue the second stage of MoU betwen Toyohashi city Goverment  and Solok City Goberment, we visited Solok city. Welcomed as state guest at Solok City Hall by The Deputy Mayor Mr. Dr. Ramadhani. This project supported by JICA indonesia with collaboration with Publics works Department, of Indonesia Toyohashi City and Solok city. The concentration of this project is to up grad e  good quality water of Distribution services to the publics.

181. Japanese Technical cooperation under The JICA partnership Programs for the project  Capacity Development of PERUMDA Tritanadi for 24 safe Water Supply. This project conducted in July 2023 until 2027. Welcome to PDAM water works Medan city delegation from Yokohama Water works team. After held a brief meeting  we move  to observe the IPA Sunggal for pilot Project. Afternoon time it was held  a courtesy call on President director, waste Water Division Director and Pilot project Manager Yokohama Water  works Company.

182. Welcoming party held by Mayor of Solok City, West Sumatera. This occasion, Toyohashi City delegation and Toyohashi Water Bureau Company will continue the project to improve drinking water services in the city of Solok, West Sumatra. The project period  would be held  from this year 2023  until 2026. Hope everything will going fine and success. Thank you to our counterpart  PERUMDA  Solok and Solok City Mayor and others related officer for best Hospitallity.

183. Translation of Insurance documents

184. Translation Certificate of death

185. Translation Documents of statement letter

186. Translation of LPK Establishment

187. Interpreter for Japanese Lady and Indonesian Man Wedding Ceremony At Adi Mulya 5 Stars Hotel in Medan, September 16th 2023.

188. Medan Japanese Translator Club has helped Ehime Toyota Motor Corporation in meeting with families for new recruitment employees who will be hired at the Ehime Toyota Motor Company (October 15th 2023), The Candidates employee has been interviewed in Japan and is now almost completing his studies at a special school in Japan.


189. Translating the LPK home page/ 送り出し機関ホームページの翻訳 - Ocober 19th 2023

190. The second phase MoU betwen Indonesia PUPR Ministry -JICA Japan which implemented by Toyohashi Water Bureau Works, Company with PDAM Solok City as a Counter Part in the first year had done. It was success, thank you for cooperation and support from Solok City goverment.

インドネシア公共事業PUPR省とJICA日本の間の第2段階覚書は、初年度に PDAMソロク市をカウンターパートとして豊橋市水道局事業所により実施されました。 成功しました。ソロク市政府の協力と支援に感

191. The second Dispatch of The Project for Capacity Development of PERUMDA Tirtanadi Medan for 24 Hours Safe Water Supply support by JICA and Yokohama Water Bureau Company was Held November 27 to December 8th 2023.Hopely the second dispatch activity could make the progress of the project.


192. Interpreter for Japanese Lady and Indonesian Man Wedding Ceremony At Adi Mulya 5 Stars Hotel in Medan, September 16th 2023.

193. Medan Japanese Translator Club has helped Ehime Toyota Motor Corporation in meeting with families for new recruitment employees who will be hired at the Ehime Toyota Motor Company, (October 15th 2023)
The Candidates employee has been interviewed in Japan and is now almost
Completing his studies at a special school in Japan.


194. Translating the LPK home page/ 送り出し機関ホームページの翻訳, October 19th 2023.

195. The second phase MoU betwen Indonesia PUPR Ministry - JICA Japan which implemented by Toyohashi Water Bureau Works, Company with PDAM Solok City as a Counter Part in the first year had done. It was success, thank you for cooperation and support from Solok City goverment.

インドネシア公共事業PUPR省とJICA日本の間の第2段階覚書は、初年度に PDAMソロク市をカウンターパートとして豊橋市水道局事業所により実施されました。 成功しました。ソロク市政府の協力と支援に感

196. The second Dispatch of The Project for Capacity Development of PERUMDA Tirtanadi Medan for 24 Hours Safe Water Supply support by JICA and Yokohama Water Bureau Company was Held November 27 to December 8th 2023.Hopely the second dispatch activity could make the progress of the project.

197. We finished the Management Training of Bridgestone Dolok Merangir, North Sumatera Plantation's staff and Bridgestone Kalimantan Plantation's staff for a week. The instructor for the training is the trainer from Bridgestone Head office, Tokyo. Everything was going well and successful. See you at the next Management Training in July.

198. After finished to assisted  Toyohasi  water Bureau Project with PDAM Tirtanadi Pincuran Gadang in solok West Sumatera (the 3 rd Dispatch) and continued  to assisted Yokohama Water bureau Project with PDAM Tirtanadi north Sumatera  (The 3 rd Dispatch) . We will preparing  for  The 4 th Dispatch of project for the above two Company. Hope everything will going fine and according to the schedule (June-July 2024 Project).

199. Attending the invitation of His majesty Japan's Emperor  Birthday Party  on February  22 nd  2024 at JW  Marriot Hotel Medan . We pray for His Majesty Great Health and is our Pleasure to meet Medan Japan's Consulate General and Madame and our friends from JICA junior Expert.

200. Assisting in the mediation process of disputes between Japanese Company and employees.

201. The first year Toyohashi city Water works Japan and Solok City Perumda Pincuran Gadang  of Drink water save Distribution Project from second stage of MoU has implemented .  
We have honour, this moment we had honorary official state visit from Consul General of Japan. This occasion Consul General of Japan has official visit to the Mayor of Solok City at Solok City Hall. And visit the Solok Perumda Pincuran Gadang Water works.Thank you for this honour.

202. Training for preparation of "Finishing skill up competation" At  Bridgestone Tokyo which participated by BSRE  sumatera  skilled employee was accomplished. Thank you to Trainer from Saga Factory Japan, and All Board of Directors PT. Brigestone Sumatera Rubber, and top management. It was good experianced.

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